MUSES: Efficient Multi-User Searchable Encrypted Database

Jan 1, 2024ยท
Tung Le
Rouzbeh Behnia
Rouzbeh Behnia
Jorge Guajardo
Thang Hoang
ยท 1 min read
Searchable encrypted systems enable privacy-preserving keyword search on encrypted data. Symmetric systems achieve high efficiency (eg, sublinear search), but they mostly support single-user search. Although systems based on public-key or hybrid models support multi-user search, they incur inherent security weaknesses (eg, keyword-guessing vulnerabilities) and scalability limitations due to costly public-key operations (eg, pairing). More importantly, most encrypted search designs leak statistical information (eg, search, result, and volume patterns) and thus are vulnerable to devastating leakage-abuse attacks. Some pattern-hiding schemes were proposed. However, they incur significant user bandwidth/computation costs, and thus are not desirable for large-scale outsourced databases with resource-constrained users.
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